Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Did you know that Papa Sings?

Several months ago I had an experience that surprised me.

I've wanted to write about this experience for some time. Tonight I was reminded that knowledge not recorded...is lost. So, I'm taking this time to record this experience, not only here on my blog...in hopes that it might inspire and uplift those of you who read this, but also in my notebook that I keep of my spiritual experiences, so that one day, this experience might also inspire and uplift my own posterity. 

One afternoon, several months ago, I was feeling very sad and distraught. I had been chastised deeply by someone I loved, and it stung BAD. I didn't feel that I had deserved the chastisement and I was feeling very deeply wounded. 

As I sobbed in my bed, I called out in prayer, to my Father in Heaven for consolation. I plead with Him to help me understand why those I loved so deeply often felt they needed to chastise me, and could talk to me in such a harsh manner. I wanted to know what I had done to deserve this...if  anything. I really wanted to understand. I wanted to know if there was anything that HE felt was my part and if so, how to fix it. 

And...If it was undeserved; as I felt it was...then I wanted confirmation, and consolation from a loving Father in Heaven who truly knew me.
I wanted the truth, from my Papa, who I knew loved me more than ...others. I wanted my Papa to speak to me through my tears and heartache and help me to know if I was ok...to HIM.

As I prayed, a soft reply came to my mind, in the form of a song being sung...I recognize this tune, but could not remember where I had heard it before...

This tune touched my heart and soul; comforting and calming my spirit...

as I listened, I recognized a few little words.

 I grabbed my lap top and  look up the words...

Baby of Mine

This is what I found: 

I recognized this song as the one that Dumbo's mother sings to him after he has been teased and treated badly by the other animals. 

Then...I found this:

I began to sob. I realized that my Father in Heaven was comforting me through a song. A special lullaby...just for me. 

As I listened to the melody and the sweet, tender words. The realization came...  I am HIS daughter...HIS BABY...no matter how old I get on this earth. Just as my own children are my babies...no matter how old they get. I still love them as my dear ones, my precious ones...my babes. 

Their heartaches are my heartaches. Their wounds are my wounds. If I can do anything to comfort them when they are in pain...I would. 

My Father in Heaven was showing me that HE feels the same way about me...his baby girl!

My heart was touched so deeply that I really have no words to describe the love that I felt at that moment. 

My Papa was singing me a lullaby. A personal lullaby, just for me. He knew the exact song to choose to whisper to my mind and ears. He knew the words in this song would express all that I needed to hear at that moment. 

My Father knew that my heart ached so deeply that words were not enough. I needed to feel as though I was being held in His arms...rocked...and comforted. I needed to feel safe again. I needed to feel adored, and I needed to know someone felt that I was worthwhile. That I was special...

That I was worth loving.

With one simple beautiful lullaby, my Papa told me all I needed to know. That this chastisement was unjustified. That I didn't deserve it. That He felt bad for the lashing I had received. that HE still loved me. That HE understood. That HE knew my worth...and that IF they could see what HE sees...
They would know my worth too. 

With one song...Papa expressed to me that HE was aware of the deep hurt I was feeling...

He expressed to me that HE cared.

That my heart IS important to HIM.

That he has TIME for me!

Time... to sing a lullaby to HIS daughter...

His precious baby girl.

He showed me...I AM ADORED....by Him. The great King of the Universe.

My Daddy

My Papa!

I didn't know Papa sang love songs and lullaby's to His children.

Did you?

Now I know. 

My heart will never be the same.

I love you Papa,


Thank you.

Thank you for comforting me, for loving me, 
and for singing to me in my time of sorrow. 
I will never forget this day as long as I live. 
I love you Papa.
 You have taught me so much in this moment.
You have taught me how YOU love me.
You have taught me how to love my own babes...
You have taught me how to love and how to forgive...

Unconditionally....and under all circumstances.


Your Daughter,


Monday, June 12, 2017

9 Free Smoothie Recipes!