EDUCATION, or, I should say learning has always been important to me.
In fact, I have an insatiable desire to learn everything I possibly can, in every area of life, until I leave this earth, and then, more beyond the grave!
I literally wish there was a way to soak it all in through osmosis! LOL
Most of the time, I feel a little bit...well actually...a LOT hopeful, that one day there will be a way for me to just hold a book and absorb all its contents! lol

ONE thing that can make my heart SING is a great classic!
I LOVE that you can learn something new every time you read the same classic!
I educated my 7 children for 15 years at home. Home schooling was the BEST thing I ever did for my kids. It wasn't easy. Sometimes there were squabbles about having to study etc. Sometimes they loved it...
and other times one or another of them, would tell me they hated homeschooling...just like kids sometimes hate public school.
Often there were times I wanted to quit. (Becasue parenting...and FOR SURE homeschooling, is often a thankless and VERY difficult JOB!)
Each year, I would ask myself...Why am I doing this? lol and each year the Lord would answer me back with insight and inspiration for why my children needed this type of education.
so...I'd continue on...
Every new school year, I would ask my Father in Heaven about each child individually to see if it was still right for them. Because it was SUPER important to me to be sure that I was giving them the best education for their life and their personal mission that they came to the earth to perform. I wanted to know that what I was teaching would be truly what God had in mind for them...
When pondering over what I wanted my children to know most, that absolutely could NOT be missed, or fall through the cracks...
There were five CRUCIAL things.
I felt that IF they loved reading,

ONE thing that can make my heart SING is a great classic!
I LOVE that you can learn something new every time you read the same classic!
I educated my 7 children for 15 years at home. Home schooling was the BEST thing I ever did for my kids. It wasn't easy. Sometimes there were squabbles about having to study etc. Sometimes they loved it...
and other times one or another of them, would tell me they hated homeschooling...just like kids sometimes hate public school.
Often there were times I wanted to quit. (Becasue parenting...and FOR SURE homeschooling, is often a thankless and VERY difficult JOB!)
Each year, I would ask myself...Why am I doing this? lol and each year the Lord would answer me back with insight and inspiration for why my children needed this type of education.
so...I'd continue on...
Every new school year, I would ask my Father in Heaven about each child individually to see if it was still right for them. Because it was SUPER important to me to be sure that I was giving them the best education for their life and their personal mission that they came to the earth to perform. I wanted to know that what I was teaching would be truly what God had in mind for them...
I knew I was NOT perfect...and that no matter how hard I tried,
there would most definitely be gaps in their education...
(just like each child who graduates from public school have gaps in their education. If you do not believe this happens...then just ask yourself, your hubby, your child, your parents and grandparents, what they remember about Science, Math, English, Social Studies, etc. Ask them about particular concepts or people in history etc. and you will find that VERY few people remember everything that their teachers may have tried to teach them...and most likely, there are even some concepts and studies that they never got taught at all!) It's that way with us all.
When pondering over what I wanted my children to know most, that absolutely could NOT be missed, or fall through the cracks...
There were five CRUCIAL things.
- I wanted them to know that they were LOVED beyond measure by there dad and I. Every single one of them!
- I wanted them to know that GOD loved them Immensely and unconditionally!
- I wanted them to build strong relationships with their siblings and become best friends!
- I wanted them to LOVE Books & Reading.
- I wanted them to LOVE learning and know how to research.
I felt that IF they loved reading,
that no matter what small gaps there might be in their education;
IF they loved books and loved to read,
and knew how to research,
then there would never be anything that they couldn't choose to learn on their own at any time!
I felt that IF at some time, they found that there was something that we had not covered in depth enough, (or hadn't even touched on) then they could go back and learn those things, on their own, sometime in the future.
I can say that I succeeded in at least the last three. lol
As a parent...sometimes its not always easy to know if your children truly understand just how much you adore them and love them. have a child who expresses himself/herself readily and easily.
I have several children who don't always share their feelings.
And hold a lot inside.
I can say that I'm pretty sure my children know this, and I hope with all my heart that they feel my deep love for them every single day!
I feel that some of my children know that God loves them, for sure.
Some of my children are contemplating
and re-evaluating their relationship with God.
And... figuring out their definition of what they believe spiritually...
This one I think is an ever changing, ever growing, life path for most people...
including my own grown children.
The last three, I can say without a shadow of a doubt,
that I have succeed in!
One of the greatest blessings of homeschooling is that my children learned to rely on each other and learned to become each-others' greatest friends.
We all live here together in Evanston WY. All 7 of my children,
all 20 (almost) of my grandchildren (except one)
and me and their dad are here too.
I can honestly say
that there is not a single week that goes by
that they do not work together,
or talk to each other
or spend time with each other,
or help each other in some way.
This makes my mothers heart proud!
The last two crucial things on my list,
My kids ALL have very large libraries,
and can't seem to get enough books!
They all love reading and LOVE learning.
Every one of them have at least some college, or trade school,
after high school, or at least have chosen to continue learning
studying, and striving for more knowledge and education on their own!
Some of them have degrees, or certificates.
Some are currently in school, studying for a degree.
ALL of them have lists of things they'd like to learn and study,
and schools they would like to eventually attend.
They all have a deep desire and excitement for learning!
This makes my mothers heart so happy!
I feel that no matter what I might have done imperfectly,
in schooling my children...
I can at least say that I did this part right!
I often hear people say (especially kids right out of high school) that they can not stand school and don't EVER want to go back.
My kids are not like that. Each one of them has a deep desire for more
knowledge and can't wait to learn the next thing on their list to study!
That to me, is SUPER exciting!
We are on our second generation of homeschoolers.
I hope that my grandchildren will always keep their childhood wonder
and excitement for learning too!
What great classics does your family enjoy?
DO you have a favorite family book?
I'd love it have you would write your comments below.
I have so many that I'm not sure I can pick just one. But, for sure Little Women is one of my personal favorites.
The Harry Potter series was super fun reading as a family,
And is STILL a family favorite!
These books are what got some of my reluctant readers excited about reading...and helped them get over being intimidated by the size of the book!!
They loved the story so much that they couldn't wait to find out what happened in the next It no longer mattered that the books were large, they had such a desire to learn what happened to Harry and his friends next, that they totally forgot how big the books were! LOL
Here are some of my favorite sites for learning from GREAT books, wonderful organizations, and inspiring education establishments.
For Adults:
Liberty Tree University: Studies on the Constitution & Liberty (Donation only!)
Hilsdale College: Constitution Studies (Free Lessons!)
Websters 1828 Dictionary On Line: Learn the definitions of great words.
Academy for Temple Studies: Biblical Texts and Topics
Xen Strength: Certify to be a Yoga Instructor
Joseph Smith Academy: Educational Resources for families; Spiritual studies
Academy of Culinary Nutrition: Culinary Arts
Forks over Knives: Whole Foods Nutrition
25 Colleges for Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurial studies
The Institute for Integrative Nutrition: Holistic Health and Whole Foods Nutrition. (This is where I received my Nutrition Education. Best school EVER, in my opinion! it was a wonderful experience. I woudl HIGHLY recommend it to anyone wanting to learn more in the topic of nutrition and Health coaching. Especially is you have a health condition that you are trying to cure naturally. You will be blessed so much by the connections and support you receive from your fellow students as well as the faculty and mentors!)
For Parents:
TJED: Classical Education and Homeschool resources (The system we used!)
Monticello College: Leadership Education for Adults and Young Adults
Classical Mothering: Books to inspire you in Mothering
TJED Mother
For Young Adults:
Williamsburg Academy: Statesmanship Education For Youth
Lemi: Leadership Mentoring Education Institute (Our kids LOVED these classes)
For Youth:
Classics for Young Readers: TJED list of classics for young readers.
For Little Ones:
Charlotte Mason Education: Practical and beautiful way to educate your little's.
101 Classic Kids Picture books: Do you remember these titles?
More Coming soon!
I will continue to post more here as I have time. I have a HUGE resource library for learning ALL kinds of things.
My wish list is VERY VERY long, for all the studies and school I'd like to attend and certifications/degrees I'd like to earn!! =)
Happy Learning!
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