Saturday, June 4, 2016

Outstanding Talk by Wendy Nelson


 Women's Conference is always a wonderful time to get great inspiration and education on Gospel and Family topics and more.
One of my most favorite talks I recently listened to was given by Wendy Watson Nelson (April 30, 2015).  I loved her opening statements; "Our covenants are a gift. A gift from God, designed to get us safely home to Him."
I truly believe that this is true. I have found safely and peace in keeping my covenants with the Lord. Especially during times of difficulties and personal trials.
During her talk, Wendy spoke of one of her favorite experiences in Russia. In a speaking engagement, she told her audience that she wanted to get to know them by their lineage! This was exciting to me,  because  she shared that as she read the name of each of the twelve tribes, and the women stood according to their lineage, she realized that 11 of the twelve tribes of Israel were represented there that day...all but the tribe of Levi!
Soon after her talk, a woman approached her and said, "I have Levi!"  LOL  Oh how fun to know that the 12 tribes certainly are being gathered in these last days!  None are truly lost tribes to our Father!
Wendy also talks about how our covenants of God connect us to the other valiant women in the gospel! MILLIONS!! WOW!! Think about that. I love the thought that we are inseparably connected to those beautiful sisters that I feel such love for and such admiration for, such as Sariah, Abish, Sarah, Rachel,Martha, Mary (all of them!), our sweet mother Eve and more!
Oh how this thrills me! I hope to meet these beautiful women in person one day. Until then, every time I seek after my ancestors, I will remember Wendy's words.
  • Those behind the veil ARE very much alive, and not so thrilled about being called dead! LOL
  • Those on the other side are anxious...even desperate to make and keep covenants!
  • It is MY covenant and privileged to find my ancestors whose work has not been done and bring them OUT of prison!
  • Picture the Savoir himself saying the sacrament prayer and offering  to me the sacrament.
  • You may not always be able to go through the temple...but the temple can go through you!
  • Remember the words of our Temple covenants we have made, and say them (in our minds) every day!
There is power in our sacred words of worship.
Wendy quoted her husband's wise words, "The highest complement is to be called a covenant keeper." I love this, and I completely believe it to be true!
Wendy said something else that really struck my heart, "Our covenants change everything in our lives for the better. They change our identity and our ultimate destination. They change the road we are traveling on through this life, because now we are the covenant path that leads back home. And no GPS of the world can ever find that road. As convent keeper, what we want out of life; what we are willing to spend our time, energy, and money on, what we think is entertaining' what we think is appealing;all change. As covenant keepers, our desire to be someone the Lord can count on increases exponentially, no matter what He asks us to do! As covenant keepers, how we feel about the Savoir changes forever! He is real to us in a way He's never been before. How we feel about His atonement changes, we relish repentance, and we seek gifts of the Spirit, one by one to turn our weak things into strengths! As covenant keepers, out prayers change, because we are now bound to Heavenly Father, and we're tied closer than ever to our Savior Jesus Christ!Personal revelation becomes something we prepare for and expect! As covenant keeps our past, present, and future can all change! Everything can change for the better, including our very natures!"
WOW!! I am totally inspired by this talk to make a few changes in my own life and to become more diligent in my own temple worship, genealogy work and my personal prayers. Oh how I love this gospel and this church and the opportunity we have to learn more each and every day!
Here is a 4 minute summary of her talk:
If you'd like to know more ways to hear or read this talk you can go here:
  • You can now watch the full talk online here! 
  • Or read the full talk here!  
  • Here is a page of transcripts from past talks. 
  • Here is a summary in the Church News. Here is a summary in The Digital Universe, a BYU online newspaper. 
*Thank you to my friend Becky Edwards for these links!

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