I was blessed with a beautiful Mother who chose to educate her daughters on the power of our bodies and the blessings of natural childbirth.
She viewed labor and delivery as something that was very natural , that we were born to do as women, and she taught my sisters and I that our bodies were capable of glorious things. Pregnancy, Labor and delivery being one of the most powerful!
Because of this teaching, I went into the process of pregnancy, labor, and birth with open eyes and a feeling that all would be well, and my body really can do this!
Sure, I had some butterflies, and I was a little bit nervous before each birth; but that is very normal. I soon began the breathing techniques and got about my business of laboring, and the fear left and excitement and anticipation of meeting my new little one took its place.
Although my pregnancies often came with a lot of achiness and pain in my hips, I moved through most of my pregnancies without any trouble, at all, and was blessed with wonderful labor and delivery experiences.
I LOVED all 7 of my birth stories! My first was very memorable, of course because it was the first time of becoming a mother.

6 weeks before my due date I began taking some herbs called Dr. Christopher's 6 week birth formula. ( I took this with all 7 of my pregnancies) Dr. Christopher was a famous master herbalist who created formulas to support the body systems in various ways.
This formula helps prepare and support the woman's body for child birth.
If I can give any advice for expecting mothers there are 5 things I would say.
#1 Breathe, its going to be ok. YOUR body is amazing and it knows what to do. So, relax, and breath through all the nervousness, possible anxiety, and eventual labor pains. Breathing is KEY. this experience will be lovely. It will be work, and effort for both you and baby, (and daddy too!) but, with great effort comes GREAT success! There will be a wonderful blessing in the end.
#2 Take a Lamaze and Bradley birthing class to help you AND your spouse know exactly what is happening in the body and to teach you proper breathing through contractions AND to help your husband learn how to become a great birthing coach.
Men feel so empowered when they know what to do to assist their wife. My husband was the BEST birth coach ever because of the class we took before our first child came.
He continued to get better and better with each birth because of this beautiful foundation of education and support that he and I had from the beginning. KNOWLEDGE AND TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE FROM FEAR.

I am SO very grateful for this foundation of preparation that we had together. I loved having my husband as my coach!
You can read about this formula here.
***I SWEAR BY THIS FORMULA, My sisters all had 20-30+ labors and they did not take this formula (even through I recommended it) I took it with all 7 children and I had 7 natural labors and delivery varying in range from 3 hours to 10 hours! A BIG difference. and even my longest labor, although my hardest, was still relatively easy. (My first was only 8 hours!)
#4 Enjoy every moment. Each birth story is special. Keep a journal and write your feelings and special experiences. Have your hubby write a little note too that you can keep in your child's baby book
Know that your body was designed for this. Know that YOU CAN DO THIS!
Trust your body.
You will know when you are in labor (very few women do not), If you are in turn to the subtle changes that occur daily in the last 6 weeks, you will intuitively feel that things are changing. Look for the physical signs (such as the mucus plug being expelled. If you do not know what this is, it is one of the major signs that labor is beginning..or will begin soon. Look this up for info. ;))
#5 Remember, to ask for a priesthood blessing before you go into birth. This will be very special and will help to ease your mind and your body. Talk to your body, mind, heart, and spirit. Write to each one. Share your feelings and ask each part of your body to come on this journey with you. Let each part of you know that you are safe. YOU ARE A POWERFUL TEAM.

If I had it to do over again, I'd do it all the same with just a few exceptions.
- I'd have a midwife for every birth (my first four I had doctors, the last three I had female midwifes, and it made a big difference in my own comfort level)
- I would also choose to have my 3rd, 4th, and 5th births at home.
I could have had all of them at home, but these were my easiest ones and I think it would have been lovely to have birthed in the water like my daughter has done with 5 of her 7 children.
No matter where they are born...birth is an unbelievable, incredible blessing. I feel so privileged to be a woman, and to have had the experience of bringing my babes into this world.
You are on a great journey...a wonderful adventure. Look at it all with a positive outlook and speak beautiful empowering declarations to yourself DAILY!
Know that your baby will be beautiful. You will be a wonderful mama! You and your sweetheart will be wonderful parents.
Congratulations! Your life is about to get a lot more exciting!

A.K.A Mama Dezee
P.S. Here is a great little tid bit of advice for dads:
"How to Treat Your Pregnant Wife" Published by LDS Living
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