Family is the most important thing to me in this entire world! HANDS DOWN!
Growing up, I was raised in a large green house with my parents, 3 siblings (2 sisters and 1 brother,) my Aunt and Uncle and 2 cousins, My Uncle who came home from college occasionally, and three grandparents for the first 8 years of my life.
To me, it was the best childhood in the world.
This is me at the age of 2 years old.
I was a very happy little girl, filled with wonder and excitement for life!
This is me at the age of 2 years old.
I was a very happy little girl, filled with wonder and excitement for life!
I had a very loving family, and a very happy life as a child.
My earliest memory is when my brother Darin was going to be born. I was
18 months old. I can remember my two grandmothers talking with me and asking me if I wanted to talk with my mommy. They lifted me up onto a little stool so that I could reach the black phone that was hanging on the wall (in those days, it was a rotary phone.) I remember standing there with them, so excited and all in smiles, while I talked with my mother. She told me I had a little brother , and asked me if I was excited to see him, and let me know that she loved me and would be home soon. At least, that is the jist of what I remember. I remember feeling very grown up and important...because of,
I was a big sister!
I'm not sure if I remember my baby brother coming home from the hospital or not, but I do remember holding him and feeling very proud! I also remember the little palomino horse that my grandparents gave me. (I think to help me know that I was important too!) It was one of my favorite childhood toys for a long time. I think I had it clear up until I was in junior high...and then, I am not sure what happened to it. I think it must have gotten thrown away at some point.
The point I am trying to share is that from a very early age, family was SUPER important and something I cherished more than anything else.
Here is a picture of my family going to Knotts Berry Farm when I was about 5 years old.
Dad holding Julie, Mom,
Darin & me.
My little sister Vicki wasn't born yet.

Here is a picture of my family in 1981.
Back row: Julie, Dad and Darin
Front row: Vicki, Mom and Me
Here is a picture of my beautiful parents
Gary & Donna Miller
who recently celebrated their 55th Wedding Anniversary!
( I had hoped to have what these two beautiful people have,
and to give my children just as beautiful of an upbringing
as I had, growing up. sometimes throws you curves.)
I love my parents more than I can express.
They are the greatest example of unconditional love
that I have ever known. I will forever be grateful for the
home life they created for me and my siblings growing up,
and for the way that they have loved each other,
and stood by each other, through everything...
no matter what!
I have such a deep appreciation
for the way they have love us; their children
and supported us
and cheered us on as adults, and the way they love their
grandchildren and great grandchildren.
They are the reason I am here upon the earth and the
reason I have such a deep feeling about the
importance and sanctity of family.
My parents and grandparents taught me what family
was all about, while growing up.
They taught me that FAMILY,
IS the most important thing
in this life!
My upbringing, along with
my Faith and beliefs as
a Member of
The Church of Jesus Christ of latter Day Saints
have molded my deep sense
of loyalty and abiding love for my family
that will NEVER end!

Here is a picture of my family in 1981.
Back row: Julie, Dad and Darin
Front row: Vicki, Mom and Me
Here is a picture of my beautiful parents
Gary & Donna Miller
who recently celebrated their 55th Wedding Anniversary!
( I had hoped to have what these two beautiful people have,
and to give my children just as beautiful of an upbringing
as I had, growing up. sometimes throws you curves.)
I love my parents more than I can express.
They are the greatest example of unconditional love
that I have ever known. I will forever be grateful for the
home life they created for me and my siblings growing up,
and for the way that they have loved each other,
and stood by each other, through everything...
no matter what!
I have such a deep appreciation
for the way they have love us; their children
and supported us
and cheered us on as adults, and the way they love their
grandchildren and great grandchildren.
They are the reason I am here upon the earth and the
reason I have such a deep feeling about the
importance and sanctity of family.
My parents and grandparents taught me what family
was all about, while growing up.
They taught me that FAMILY,
IS the most important thing
in this life!
My upbringing, along with
my Faith and beliefs as
a Member of
The Church of Jesus Christ of latter Day Saints
have molded my deep sense
of loyalty and abiding love for my family
that will NEVER end!
One of my earliest memories growing up, is when I was three years old. I was sitting on the third, big rock step, that went up to the kitchen in my grandparents big green house. I remember sitting there and just watching everything going on in the grandparents watching TV, while my dad and uncles conversed with them. My mother and aunt busy straitening up the house, while my cousins played in the area near the front door. I can remember pondering what a lucky girl I was to have such a wonderful family. I sincerely remember these feelings coming over me...even at that young age. I then remember thinking...
FAMILY is the most wonderful thing in the world!
At that moment, I realized that I wanted to have a large family when I grew up, and as I pondered these thoughts, a beautiful feeling came over me...and I knew that I would one day be the mother of a large family. From that day forward, it was my greatest dream to be a wife and a mother.
I was super excited to have children.
LOTS of children!
FAMILY is the most wonderful thing in the world!
At that moment, I realized that I wanted to have a large family when I grew up, and as I pondered these thoughts, a beautiful feeling came over me...and I knew that I would one day be the mother of a large family. From that day forward, it was my greatest dream to be a wife and a mother.
I was super excited to have children.
LOTS of children!
I could hardly wait to be a mother!
One of the happiest day of my life was the day
I was married and sealed to my sweetheart for
Time & All Eternity
in the Mesa LDS Temple
October 23, 1982
The next most cherished days
are the days of each of my children's birth!
One of the happiest day of my life was the day
I was married and sealed to my sweetheart for
Time & All Eternity
in the Mesa LDS Temple
October 23, 1982
The next most cherished days
are the days of each of my children's birth!
I LOVED raising our little brood!
They didn't really seem like very many children once I got all seven of them them here. I can remember my husband and I sitting around the table and thinking know...this isn't really that big of a family!
They didn't really seem like very many children once I got all seven of them them here. I can remember my husband and I sitting around the table and thinking know...this isn't really that big of a family!
Here is a picture of my sweet ones, taken in 2008.
Frank, Me, Kamie (Brandon's wife) holding little Treydence,
Brandon, Jonathan (Danielle's husband) Danielle, holding
little Nautika, Shaina.
Front row: Jamon holding Aysa (Danielle and Jon's second daughter,) Kelan,
Meagan, Shantel, holding Nivek (Danielle and Jon's first daughter)
Here are a few of my crazies, Meagan, Shaina, and Jamon! lol
Here's a picture of our Crazy men,
showing their muscles at the lake! lol
Taken in 2011.
Here is Me with a few of my kids, Kelan,
Meagan, and Shaina in 2009 before hiking the
Narrows in Zion National Park.
Here is a more recent one of our family during
our youngest son
Kelan's wedding to his
sweet Samantha in 2015.
(The sweethearts of our other kids are
missing from this photo)
Here is a picture of our 5 beautiful little
grandchildren that were all born in 2015.
From left to right:
Kandon Dean Mysliwiec
Hazel Eden Bork, Xavier Zedik Mysliwiec,
Arizona Ivee Romo, & Ronan Thayer Mysliwiec
These little ones are all turning two this year.
I'll have to post updated pictures of these
sweet ones soon.
Here is a picture of my mother's Great Grandma wall!
You can see all the little cousins at the top that I posted above,
Then the ones in the Count Your Blessings One by One Board,
Are all my other grandchildren (One little one is missing,Willow Elise Mysliwiec) and we have two more due in September, and one due in February!)
From top left to right: Nivek Lyn Bork, Aysa Shae' Bork,
Amorina Kalece Mysliwiec, Nautika Cloud Bork,
Treydence, Kale Mysliwiec, Ventre Hope Mysliwiec,
Bottom Row, left to right: Xyla Reign Bork,
Ember Jade Romo, (twins) Nikolai Thomas Mysliwiec &
Brayon Tesla Mysliwiec, Jetta Kai Morgan Bork,
and Leodyn Kai Mysliwiec
The two little boys to the sides are my sister Vicki and Julie's little grandsons,
Jaden Gutzwiller (He has a little sister now whose missing in this picture! Bravery Gutzwiller,)
on the left and Jackson Lopez on the right.
You can see, that my family has filled the majority of my moms wall. lol
Here is a few of our girls...
Jamon's wife, Rizzie Mysliwiec, My daughters
Meagan, Shaina, and Shantel (Telly) at the parade in
Evanston WY in 2016. (Little Xavier's red head is in the front. lol)
Here's a more updated one of me and the Twins,
Brayon & Nikolai taken earlier this year.
(Spring 2017)
Family relationships are an important part of life
here on earth and I believe, throughout all eternity.
Here on earth we have the opportunity to learn how to get along,
and learn to respect and cherish one another. We experience our greatest heartbreaks in families AND our greatest triumphs and JOYS.
Family life changes through the years and we get the opportunity to
learn how to adjust and adapt to all the transitions.
Our family had a big change and adjustment in 2009, when my husband of 27 years decided to leave. It shook up our family to the core of our beings.
Life adjustments were not easy. Healing from heartache, was not easy.
It's taken time.
I'm super grateful though, that we have all stayed close.
We care deeply for one another.
Right now, we all live in Evanston WY.
All my kids, all my grandchildren, (except 1) live here...
and, Frank lives here too.
We've had some great times together.
With each new adjustment...we keep working at it.
When problems arise in our family...we work through them...
We have family BBQ's and
picnics, baptisms, baby blessings, and birthday celebrations together!
Life is not always easy.
It doesn't always turn out like we've planned or hoped it would.
Sometimes...we have to make a LOT of adjustments...
Because, each person has their own agency to choose their own
life path.
With each new adjustment comes the opportunity to
decide how we will handle things.
My daughter Shantel and her boyfriend (of 7 years)
and father of her two beautiful girls split up recently.
Trevor was away, out of state for a while,
but is back now and we are grateful.
He will always be apart of our family and the father of our grandchildren.
We love him.
We are grateful that he chooses to still be a part of our families lives.
learning, & growing,
working at building stronger relationships...
No matter how many changes matter how many
adjustments we need to make...
It's all worth it!
The journey is worth it.
Families are worth it!
We have three beautiful little one coming to our family. Two in September and One in February! I'm getting SUPER excited to meet these little ones and will post their pictures here as soon as they arrive!
Through all the good, the bad, and the ugly...NO MATTER WHAT....we are STILL FAMILY!
Renee Mysliwiec
aka Mama Dezee
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