Hello there beautiful.
I hope you've had a wonderful Christmas season and are looking forward to the new year!? 

Life has been a whirlwind of LOTS of stuff happening in our family over the past few months, from two babies being born (one through c-section, and one a home birth, these are my 19th and 20th grandchildren!) to moving into a new house, to lots of illness...myself and family included, as well as right before Thanksgiving, a young grand daughter got into some serious trouble.
With all this going on, I had to take a break from my social media pages, and my blog posts, and live videos, to focus most of my energy on healing, and balancing, and re-organizing, my own home life as well as helping family.
Sometimes life get's messy!!
Life's transitions can take a lot of energy out of us. Sometimes it's good to pair down and refocus our energies while we are re-balancing.
While going through life transitions, make sure you take good care of yourself. Feed yourself good whole foods, drink plenty of water, get some good sleep each night, and remember to think positive thoughts (don't forget to say your declarations each morning!) and speak loving and kind thoughts to yourself throughout each day.
When a negative or lower vibration thought comes into your mind, write that down on a piece of paper and then next to it, right three positives, that are the opposite for each negative. (This can be a positive tool for helping to train your mind on how to think, and how to dispel those negatives that invariably come up into our minds.)
It can also help you to know which declarations are important for you at this time.
TIP: Take the positive words that you a have written down as your opposites to the negatives and turn them into your declarations!
Here is an example of a powerful declaration:
A little self-pampering during the times of transition, can help you keep your energies up and help to rejuvenate your mind, heart and soul. 

Try a hot bath with bubbles, or even better yet, lavendar Epsom salts. Put some candles around the tub, and play some soft music. Let your body sink deep into the water and soak away all the stress. allow the soft music to penetrate the crevices of your mind...letting go of all the little things you might be worried or concerned with.
Just let it all go...stay as long as your bath water stays hot, and just vegg!
This is one of my MOST favorite ways to de-stress! Water has such healing components.
Happy Healing sweet girlfriends!
I will be posting some more great tips on my blog for the New year...so ...stay tuned. 

Love and blessings,
Renee 💜
a.k.a. Mama Dezee