By Renee Mysliwiec
Hello there my friends!
I just have to share a wonderful livestream video event that my friend Kirk Duncan put on a few weeks ago for young adults (Primarily for kids 12-18...although he opened it up to 5 years old and up!) called The Hero Generation. (You may need to log in to see the video. The PASSWORD is: (Hero2016)
This was a powerful , uplifting event that my grandchildren attended and LOVED! If your kids have not seen it yet, sit down as a family and watch it together.
If you've got kids who struggle with self esteem, or negative self talk, if you've got kids who struggle finding good friends, If your kids are just not feeling so good about life, or seem to struggle with anger issues, or who are not getting the grades you'd like to see them get.
If your kids are being bullied in school, or not getting along with their siblings, or are super shy and have trouble speaking their feelings.....whatever they are struggling with right now, or even if they seem to be doing super good and you have no worries for them at all, this presentation CAN make a difference!
This video can give your kids the tools needed to move them past the negative in their lives. It will give them hope and help them to know how special they are; especially at this time of the world. They will feel empowered and ready to implement these tool into their lives!
If you'd like to learn a little bit more about "The Hero Generation" and what this title means according to William Straus and Neil Howe, I highly recommend you read their book: The Fourth Turning.

Here is a video of my grandson,Treydence Kale Mysliwiec teaching about declarations after
listening to Kirk's presentation of the Hero Generation.
Here is a little video of my grandson saying his declarations in the mirror
after practicing what Kirk taught him!
This sweet boys confidence level is building every day by choosing to follow Kirk's suggestions in his Hero Presentation. I'd love to here how his presentation is helping YOUR kids!
I'd LOVE to know what you think of both Kirk's presentation and The FourthTurning. Leave me your comments below! =)
Love and Blessings,
Mama Dezee
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