Friday, December 29, 2017


Hello there beautiful. 
I hope you've had a wonderful Christmas season and are looking forward to the new year!? 

Life has been a whirlwind of LOTS of stuff happening in our family over the past few months, from two babies being born (one through c-section, and one a home birth, these are my 19th and 20th grandchildren!) to moving into a new house, to lots of illness...myself and family included, as well as right before Thanksgiving, a young grand daughter got into some serious trouble.

With all this going on, I had to take a break from my social media pages, and my blog posts, and live videos, to focus most of my energy on healing, and balancing, and re-organizing, my own home life as well as helping family.
Sometimes life get's messy!!

Life's transitions can take a lot of energy out of us. Sometimes it's good to pair down and refocus our energies while we are re-balancing.

While going through life transitions, make sure you take good care of yourself. Feed yourself good whole foods, drink plenty of water, get some good sleep each night, and remember to think positive thoughts (don't forget to say your declarations each morning!) and speak loving and kind thoughts to yourself throughout each day. 

When a negative or lower vibration thought comes into your mind, write that down on a piece of paper and then next to it, right three positives, that are the opposite for each negative. (This can be a positive tool for helping to train your mind on how to think, and how to dispel those negatives that invariably come up into our minds.)

It can also help you to know which declarations are important for you at this time.

TIP: Take the positive words that you a have written down as your opposites to the negatives and turn them into your declarations!

Here is an example of a powerful declaration:

A little self-pampering during the times of transition, can help you keep your energies up and help to rejuvenate your mind, heart and soul. 

Try a hot bath with bubbles, or even better yet, lavendar Epsom salts. Put some candles around the tub, and play some soft music. Let your body sink deep into the water and soak away all the stress. allow the soft music to penetrate the crevices of your mind...letting go of all the little things you might be worried or concerned with.
Just let it all go...stay as long as your bath water stays hot, and just vegg!

This is one of my MOST favorite ways to de-stress! Water has such healing components.
Happy Healing sweet girlfriends!

I will be posting some more great tips on my blog for the New ...stay tuned. 

Love and blessings,

Renee 💜
a.k.a. Mama Dezee

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Blood Pressure too high? Here are some simple fixes!

Many of my clients first come to me with complaints of high blood pressure. The nice thing about this condition is that often there are some simple things you can do to lower your blood pressure, quickly, and easily just by changing a few things in your diet. 

Eating the wrong foods are often the causes of  hypertension (high blood pressure) and some simple changes in what you eat can really make a big difference. 

Here is a list of 15 foods that can help you naturally and easily lower your blood pressure. 

15 Foods That Help Lower Blood Pressure

1, Leafy greens
Potassium helps your kidneys get rid of more sodium through your urine. This in turn lowers your blood pressure.
Leafy greens, which are high in potassium, include:
·       romaine lettuce
·       arugula
·       kale
·       turnip greens
·       collard greens
·       spinach
·       beet greens
·       Swiss chard
Canned vegetables often have added sodium. But frozen vegetables contain as many nutrients as fresh vegetables, and they’re easier to store. You can also blend these veggies with bananas and nut milk for a healthy, sweet green juice.
Go Here to receive 9 FREE Smoothie Recipes from Renee!
2. Berries
Berries, especially blueberries, are rich in natural compounds called flavonoids. Scientific studies have found that consuming these compounds might prevent hypertension and help lower blood pressure.
Blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries are easy to add to your diet. You can put them on your cereal or granola in the morning, or keep frozen berries on hand for a quick and healthy dessert.
3. Red beets
Beets are high in nitric oxide, which can help open your blood vessels and lower blood pressure. Researchers also found that the nitrates in beetroot juice lowered research participants’ blood pressure within just 24 hours.
You can juice your own beets or simply cook and eat the whole root. Beetroot is delicious when roasted or added to stir-fries and stews. You can also bake them into chips. Be careful when handling beets — the juice can stain your hands and clothes.
Here is a seriously YUMMY Beet Soup Recipe. This soup is my daughter Danielle's specialty When she makes this, we can't seem to stop with just one bowl, because it is SERIOUSLY SO DELICIOUS!! Even the kids go back for seconds and thirds! 


Serves 6-8
3 beets
3 potatoes
3 carrots
1/2 head of cabbage
3 cloves of garlic
1 onion
diced tomatoes
1 tomato paste
1 lb sausage

Fill pot 1/4 to 1/2 full with water bring to boil, add shredded beets. Cook till they lose color. Add cooked sausage. Add shredded carrot and diced potatoes. Cook about 5 min then add shredded/chopped cabbage. Cook till soft. Add chopped garlic and diced tomatoes. 

in pan saute onion, add 1/4 cup water and tomato paste. Mix and add to soup. salt and pepper to taste

Serve with sour cream on top and tortilla chips. 

4. Nut milk and yogurt
Skim milk (raw) or nut milk is an excellent source of calcium and are considered healthy fats. These are both important elements of a diet for lowering blood pressure.
According to the American Heart Association, women who ate five or more servings of yogurt a week experienced a 20 percent reduction in their risk for developing high blood pressure.
Try incorporating granola, almond slivers, and fruits into your yogurt for extra heart-healthy benefits. When buying yogurt, be sure to check for added sugar. The lower the sugar quantity per serving, the better. Try to find yogurt that has 5 ingredients of less. These are usually the yogurts that are lower in sugar. (Often Greek yogurt is a good option)
5. Oatmeal
Oatmeal fits the bill for a high-fiber, low-fat, and low-sodium way to lower your blood pressure. Eating oatmeal for breakfast is a great way to fuel up for the day.
Overnight oats are a popular breakfast option. To make them, soak 1/2 cup of rolled oats and 1/2 cup of nut milk in a jar. In the morning, stir and add berries, granola, and cinnamon to taste.
6. Bananas
Eating foods that are rich in potassium is better than taking supplements. Slice a banana into your cereal or oatmeal for a potassium-rich addition. You can also take one to go along with a boiled egg for a quick breakfast or snack.
7. Salmon, mackerel, and fish with omega-3s
Fish are a great source of lean protein. Fatty fish like mackerel and salmon are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which can lower blood pressure, reduce inflammation, and lower triglycerides. In addition to these fish sources, trout contains vitamin D. Foods rarely contain vitamin D, and this hormone-like vitamin has properties that can lower blood pressure.
One benefit of preparing fish is that it’s easy to flavor and cook. To try it, place a fillet of salmon in parchment paper and season with herbs, lemon, and olive oil. Bake the fish in a preheated oven at 450°F for 12-15 minutes.
8. Seeds
Unsalted seeds are high in potassium, magnesium, and other minerals known to reduce blood pressure. Enjoy ¼ cup of sunflower, pumpkin, or squash seeds as a snack between meals.
 9. Garlic and herbs
Garlic can help reduce hypertension by increasing the amount of nitric oxide in the body. Nitric oxide helps promote vasodilation, or the widening of arteries, to reduce blood pressure.
Incorporating flavorful herbs and spices into your daily diet can also help you cut back on your salt intake. Examples of herbs and spices you can add include basil, cinnamon, thyme, rosemary, and more.
 10. Dark chocolate
2015 study found that eating dark chocolate is associated with a lower risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD). The study suggests that up to 100 grams per day of dark chocolate may be associated with a lower risk of CVD.
Dark chocolate contains more than 60 percent cocoa solids and has less sugar than regular chocolate. You can add dark chocolate to yogurt or eat it with fruits, such as strawberries, blueberries, or raspberries, as a healthy dessert.
11. Pistachios
Pistachios are a healthy way to decrease blood pressure by reducing peripheral vascular resistance, or blood vessel tightening, and heart rate. One study found that a diet with one serving of pistachios a day helps reduce blood pressure.
You can incorporate pistachios into your diet by adding them to crusts, pesto sauces, and salads, or by eating them plain as a snack.
12. Olive oil
Olive oil is an example of a healthy fat. It contains polyphenols, which are inflammation-fighting compounds that can help reduce blood pressure.
Olive oil can help you meet your two to three daily servings of fat as part of the DASH diet (see below for more about this diet). It’s also a great alternative to canola oil, butter, or commercial salad dressing.
*** I would suggest that you remove all other oils out of your diet, EXCEPT olive oil and Coconut oil. These two oils are the best options for healthy oils in your diet***
 13. Pomegranates
Pomegranates are a healthy fruit that you can enjoy raw or as a juice. One study concluded that drinking a cup of pomegranate juice once a day for four weeks helps lower blood pressure over the short term.
Pomegranate juice is tasty with a healthy breakfast. Be sure to check the sugar content in store-bought juices, as the added sugars can negate the health benefits.
14. Avocados
Avocados are a fruit that is also a healthy fat.
·   Avocado is Incredibly Nutritious.
·  They Contain More Potassium Than Bananas. 
·   Avocado is Loaded with Heart-Healthy Monounsaturated Fatty Acids.
·  Avocados Are Loaded with Fiber.
·  Eating Avocados Can Lower Cholesterol and Triglyceride Levels.
·  The fat in Avocados can help you absorb nutrients from other plant foods: So...   not only is avocado highly nutritious, it can dramatically increase the nutrient   value of other plant foods that you are eating.
15. Potatoes (of all kinds including Sweet Potatoes)

  • The potato is one of the most durable and—when prepared correctly—delicious and healthy foods in the world.
  • This veggie can actually help to lower your blood pressure and help you overcome hypertension.
  • Potatoes are packed with potassium and magnesium; minerals that can help in the fight against hypertension.
I    Choosing to add these healthy foods into your diet while staying away from fried foods, and high sugar foods can make a big difference in lowering your blood pressure as well as improving your overall health. 

    Often, it is the small and simple steps we take that can make BIG improvements!

    If you would like support in reaching your health and wellness goals, feel free to contact me for a FREE 60 minute session. You can schedule with me by calling at 435-531-0366 or through my scheduling profile here


Sunday, July 23, 2017

Call Down the Angels From on High

Hello Sisters!
I'm going to direct this blog to you!
Today is Sunday...a day of rest. A day of worship. A day of...Peace.
I saw this article (from LDS.ORG) and it really touched me. I have felt so exhausted the past two weeks,
so the title speaks volumes!

This article is a MUST READ. Its based on a talk By Sister Sharon Eubank, (First Counselor in the Relief Society General Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.)

She gave this talk at an address at BYU Women's Conference in Provo Utah, on May 5, 2017.
Her talk is titled:
Relief Society - Divinely Ordained of God
You can watch her whole talk here.
In her talk, she bears her testimony that in our time of need, when we are too tired to do one thing more...we can call up to God and ask that He send us His angels to help and bless us, and they will help us carry our load and strengthen us so that we can accomplish things which are beyond our own physical strength.

She shares a quote that she found scribbled on the back of a slip of paper that she found in a time of need which was an answer to her concerns and her prayers.

“When you can’t give more, when you’ve gone beyond your ability to give, then sit still. Call on the Holy Ghost and angels to come to you. Be still and get full.”

Have you ever felt like this? like you can hardly do one more thing?
Have you ever felt so exhausted that it hurt to take a deep breath and you could hardly stand to move even an ounce because you felt like if you stood up, your muscles felt so worn out that they might not hold you up? Have you ever felt so tired that the tears are right at the surface...even though you might be really happy...despite the exhaustion?

I have felt this way several times in my life. This week, was exactly like this. This week, I was reminded of other times in my life when I had felt this type of exhaustion, and the divine help that
was given to me by angels from heaven.

There was a time about 18 years ago, when my husband and I were going through a difficult time in our marriage, and I was using all my strength, emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually, to do all that I could to save our marriage. Pleading with the Lord for guidance many times a day, fasting, several times a week and attending the
Temple at least once a week. At one point, I was so exhausted, that I wasn't sure how I was going to get all my house work done, or care for our 7 children that day, because I was so depleted.

So, I got down on my knees and plead with the lord to send me 10 women who could help me and
support me in my time of need.

I can remember being on my knees and cleaning the base boards, when I felt other women kneeling beside me and behind me...yet there was no one there, that I could see with my natural eyes. I felt them and other heavenly beings; which I sensed were angels, working with me all day long.

I sensed that these women were those who were my ancestors who had gone before me. I could sense their great love for me as I/we cleaned. They stayed with me all day long, silently working beside me. Once in a while I would seem to hear laughter, as though they were chatting and one of them said something funny...but I couldn't quite make out what they were saying. A couple of times, I even heard them singing. I couldn't recognize the song...because it was so soft, but I knew they were singing while they worked with me, and they buoyed me up as I went about my chores of deep cleaning my home.

I have never known my home to get clean so quickly or to sparkle to greatly as I did that day, when angels and ancestors came to lend me a hand and support me in my work!

When I got done and looked around, I was AMAZED! I felt like I had my own special "secret" dream team!

When my husband came home, he noticed how "exceptionally" clean the house was, and remarked at how beautiful and clean everything was. He said I must have worked extra hard that day...but I told him , I was actually surprised at how easy it was...and I proceeded to tall him of my special sacred experience!

I will NEVER forget this experience! It was a testimony to me that Heaven is really not far away!
And that Angels and those sweet spirits in Heaven who "belong to us" are always watching over us and are VERY invested in our lives and in serving and helping us when we need them and ask for their assistance!

Angels have been spoken of for centuries. Paintings have been drawn of them, songs have been written of them...
Hearts have yearned to believe that there really could be angelic being from heaven on high that could comfort us
and hold us and bless us while on the earth. That a small piece of Heaven could be a part of this world with us too...
Here is one of the sweetest pictures I've ever seen of an angel comforting a child...

There seems to be power, and safety, and great love in this painting. The child seems to be holding on for dear if she knows instinctively, that she can trust this angelic being.
And the look on the female angels face is one of serenity, grace and confidence. Her robe is flying up above her head as the light from Heaven shines down on her and the child. To me it is so precious.

This is one of my favorite paintings. When I was a young child, my grandmother had this painting on her wall in her bedroom. She used to describe to me how the angels were watching over the Christ Child and playing their Heavenly music for him...their Angel lullaby. 

She used to talk to me about how Jesus was once a little child...just like me. At age 5 this was quite the incredible thing for me to know. I felt close to Him. I loved Him. Even at that tender age, I felt a deep and abiding love for this little Christ child. 

I can remember wishing I had been there, the day He was born. 
Look at the expressions of the angels in this close-up.

Such care and protection and devotion on their faces. Mary seems to be tired as well, although you can seem to feel her deep love for her baby Jesus.

Angels have been spoken of in rescuing and assisting those in need, in all generations. 

Here are two of my favorite paintings which depict the help the Mormon Pioneers felt as they crossed the plains to Utah:

You can read the incredible story behind this painting here

I have recently learned that many of my cousins were in the Martin and Willie handcart companies. So, this painting means even more to me now than when I first saw it and was choked with tears as the Holy Spirit bore witness to me of the truthfulness of this beautiful, yet painful story. I am so grateful for the angels that attended my many cousins during that difficult, cold, and dreary journey. 

This one is called "He Strengthens Me
 By Tim Bird

It is a reminder that we all need a little hand now an then.
You can order a copy of this painting here

In April 1992, Bruce Hafen gave a talk titled:
In his talk, he states. " At Certain sacred times, God has sent his holy angels to instruct and minister to his children."

When my children were young, I used to sing them this song from the play, My Turn on Earth, called "Angel Lullaby." Now, I sing it to my grandchildren.

Reba Macintyre sings a beautiful angle lullaby here:

Here is another sweet angel song by Richard Marx

Here is a classic from Billy Joel

Here is a sweet little lullaby called Dreaming Angel of my favorites...
Songs of the Angels

I testify to you, that Angels really DO come to our aid , IF we call upon God and ask for their divine assistance.

We can count on this to be true.

There are many sources for scriptures that speak of the care and duty of angels. Here are three:

1. This one shares the many places that angels are mentioned here.
2. This one shares how angels help us, here.
3. This one gives more Bibles verses about Angels here.

This is one of my most favorite stories in the Book of Mormon about angels; 3rd Nephi Chapter 17.

Here is a guide to help you know a little more about the different types of angels.

Jeffery R. Holland, of the quorum of the twelve apostles, for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, spoke about angels in his 2008 Conference talk; The Ministering of Angels.

This is one of my most favorite talks! I hope it may comfort you in your time of need as it has comforted me many times in my life.

"God never leaves us alone, never leaves us unaided in the challenges that we face."

When speaking of Adam and Eve, Elder Holland tells how God knew of their challenges when they left the garden of Eden, and how God helped them in their times of need. He says...

"...But in times of special need, He sent angels, divine messengers, to bless His children, reassure them that heaven was always very close and that His help was always very near."

I pray that you will have angels in your life, both heavenly angles and earthly angels to guide you and assist you
along your way.

Love and blessings,

Renee 💜