Sunday, July 23, 2017

Call Down the Angels From on High

Hello Sisters!
I'm going to direct this blog to you!
Today is Sunday...a day of rest. A day of worship. A day of...Peace.
I saw this article (from LDS.ORG) and it really touched me. I have felt so exhausted the past two weeks,
so the title speaks volumes!

This article is a MUST READ. Its based on a talk By Sister Sharon Eubank, (First Counselor in the Relief Society General Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.)

She gave this talk at an address at BYU Women's Conference in Provo Utah, on May 5, 2017.
Her talk is titled:
Relief Society - Divinely Ordained of God
You can watch her whole talk here.
In her talk, she bears her testimony that in our time of need, when we are too tired to do one thing more...we can call up to God and ask that He send us His angels to help and bless us, and they will help us carry our load and strengthen us so that we can accomplish things which are beyond our own physical strength.

She shares a quote that she found scribbled on the back of a slip of paper that she found in a time of need which was an answer to her concerns and her prayers.

“When you can’t give more, when you’ve gone beyond your ability to give, then sit still. Call on the Holy Ghost and angels to come to you. Be still and get full.”

Have you ever felt like this? like you can hardly do one more thing?
Have you ever felt so exhausted that it hurt to take a deep breath and you could hardly stand to move even an ounce because you felt like if you stood up, your muscles felt so worn out that they might not hold you up? Have you ever felt so tired that the tears are right at the surface...even though you might be really happy...despite the exhaustion?

I have felt this way several times in my life. This week, was exactly like this. This week, I was reminded of other times in my life when I had felt this type of exhaustion, and the divine help that
was given to me by angels from heaven.

There was a time about 18 years ago, when my husband and I were going through a difficult time in our marriage, and I was using all my strength, emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually, to do all that I could to save our marriage. Pleading with the Lord for guidance many times a day, fasting, several times a week and attending the
Temple at least once a week. At one point, I was so exhausted, that I wasn't sure how I was going to get all my house work done, or care for our 7 children that day, because I was so depleted.

So, I got down on my knees and plead with the lord to send me 10 women who could help me and
support me in my time of need.

I can remember being on my knees and cleaning the base boards, when I felt other women kneeling beside me and behind me...yet there was no one there, that I could see with my natural eyes. I felt them and other heavenly beings; which I sensed were angels, working with me all day long.

I sensed that these women were those who were my ancestors who had gone before me. I could sense their great love for me as I/we cleaned. They stayed with me all day long, silently working beside me. Once in a while I would seem to hear laughter, as though they were chatting and one of them said something funny...but I couldn't quite make out what they were saying. A couple of times, I even heard them singing. I couldn't recognize the song...because it was so soft, but I knew they were singing while they worked with me, and they buoyed me up as I went about my chores of deep cleaning my home.

I have never known my home to get clean so quickly or to sparkle to greatly as I did that day, when angels and ancestors came to lend me a hand and support me in my work!

When I got done and looked around, I was AMAZED! I felt like I had my own special "secret" dream team!

When my husband came home, he noticed how "exceptionally" clean the house was, and remarked at how beautiful and clean everything was. He said I must have worked extra hard that day...but I told him , I was actually surprised at how easy it was...and I proceeded to tall him of my special sacred experience!

I will NEVER forget this experience! It was a testimony to me that Heaven is really not far away!
And that Angels and those sweet spirits in Heaven who "belong to us" are always watching over us and are VERY invested in our lives and in serving and helping us when we need them and ask for their assistance!

Angels have been spoken of for centuries. Paintings have been drawn of them, songs have been written of them...
Hearts have yearned to believe that there really could be angelic being from heaven on high that could comfort us
and hold us and bless us while on the earth. That a small piece of Heaven could be a part of this world with us too...
Here is one of the sweetest pictures I've ever seen of an angel comforting a child...

There seems to be power, and safety, and great love in this painting. The child seems to be holding on for dear if she knows instinctively, that she can trust this angelic being.
And the look on the female angels face is one of serenity, grace and confidence. Her robe is flying up above her head as the light from Heaven shines down on her and the child. To me it is so precious.

This is one of my favorite paintings. When I was a young child, my grandmother had this painting on her wall in her bedroom. She used to describe to me how the angels were watching over the Christ Child and playing their Heavenly music for him...their Angel lullaby. 

She used to talk to me about how Jesus was once a little child...just like me. At age 5 this was quite the incredible thing for me to know. I felt close to Him. I loved Him. Even at that tender age, I felt a deep and abiding love for this little Christ child. 

I can remember wishing I had been there, the day He was born. 
Look at the expressions of the angels in this close-up.

Such care and protection and devotion on their faces. Mary seems to be tired as well, although you can seem to feel her deep love for her baby Jesus.

Angels have been spoken of in rescuing and assisting those in need, in all generations. 

Here are two of my favorite paintings which depict the help the Mormon Pioneers felt as they crossed the plains to Utah:

You can read the incredible story behind this painting here

I have recently learned that many of my cousins were in the Martin and Willie handcart companies. So, this painting means even more to me now than when I first saw it and was choked with tears as the Holy Spirit bore witness to me of the truthfulness of this beautiful, yet painful story. I am so grateful for the angels that attended my many cousins during that difficult, cold, and dreary journey. 

This one is called "He Strengthens Me
 By Tim Bird

It is a reminder that we all need a little hand now an then.
You can order a copy of this painting here

In April 1992, Bruce Hafen gave a talk titled:
In his talk, he states. " At Certain sacred times, God has sent his holy angels to instruct and minister to his children."

When my children were young, I used to sing them this song from the play, My Turn on Earth, called "Angel Lullaby." Now, I sing it to my grandchildren.

Reba Macintyre sings a beautiful angle lullaby here:

Here is another sweet angel song by Richard Marx

Here is a classic from Billy Joel

Here is a sweet little lullaby called Dreaming Angel of my favorites...
Songs of the Angels

I testify to you, that Angels really DO come to our aid , IF we call upon God and ask for their divine assistance.

We can count on this to be true.

There are many sources for scriptures that speak of the care and duty of angels. Here are three:

1. This one shares the many places that angels are mentioned here.
2. This one shares how angels help us, here.
3. This one gives more Bibles verses about Angels here.

This is one of my most favorite stories in the Book of Mormon about angels; 3rd Nephi Chapter 17.

Here is a guide to help you know a little more about the different types of angels.

Jeffery R. Holland, of the quorum of the twelve apostles, for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, spoke about angels in his 2008 Conference talk; The Ministering of Angels.

This is one of my most favorite talks! I hope it may comfort you in your time of need as it has comforted me many times in my life.

"God never leaves us alone, never leaves us unaided in the challenges that we face."

When speaking of Adam and Eve, Elder Holland tells how God knew of their challenges when they left the garden of Eden, and how God helped them in their times of need. He says...

"...But in times of special need, He sent angels, divine messengers, to bless His children, reassure them that heaven was always very close and that His help was always very near."

I pray that you will have angels in your life, both heavenly angles and earthly angels to guide you and assist you
along your way.

Love and blessings,

Renee 💜

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Tea Time with Renee ~ The Benefits of Herbal Teas.

Today, I thought I'd share with you some benefits of herbal tea.

Yogi Tea is one of my favorite brands. They have a large variety of single teas and specialty blends.

Chamomile tea is of my favorite teas to drink at night when I want to calm down and relax.

Chamomile tea—relaxes mind and soul
Chamomile tea is a great relaxing herbal tea used to calm the soul and mind. Chamomile tea is also anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal and can improve digestion, irritable bowel disease and colitis.

Ginger tea, has been a wonderful tea that my family enjoys often to aid in digestion and help with the little ones if they get a tummy ache. One of my favorite things to do is to make FRESH Ginger tea by pealing a piece of the Ginger root, and then placing it in a cup and pouring boiling water over the root. Let it sit for several minutes; then add a teaspoon of honey. This tea is so soothing for a sore throat as well as helping the tummy.
 Ginger Tea—improves immune system and reduces digestive disorder and nausea
Ginger tea made from the roots of ginger is an effective herbal tea for treating motion sickness and nausea. This great anti-inflammatory herb also improves digestion and helps to reduce the pain of arthritis, joints and muscles. The powerful antioxidant in ginger tea is great for reducing stress and cleansing chemicals and free radicals accumulated on our bodies. Ginger is also a great herb for fighting cold and reducing menstrual cramps.

Valerian tea is a fairly new tea to me. I have heard of the herb and the essential oil, but have not had any experience with this tea. I would love to learn what your experience has been with this tea. (Post your comments below!)
 Valerian Tea—helps to improve sleeplessness and stress
Valerian is a great herb for improving our common side effects of the modern life style called “insomnia and stress”.  Valerian Tea can also help neurological disorder, gastrointestinal problems, ADHD and seizures and it’s better to drink valerian tea before bedtime.

Echinacea has been an herb that our family has used for over 30 years. We often use this herb in capsules to aid the immune system in healing the body during  times of illness. We also use it as a tea. Echinacea acts as a natural antibiotic and can get rid of a cold or flu very quickly. 
 Echinacea Tea—helps to treat colds, flues and common infections
The active substance in echinacea tea helps to boost the immune system and fight infections. Echinacea Tea is great for improving colds and flues, nasal congestion and infections such as skin, eat and urinary tracts infections.  Echinacea Tea is not recommended during pregnancy.

Peppermint is one of my most favorite teas. It brings back memories of my grandmothers mint garden and the herbal sun teas my mom used to make in the summer time. Peppermint has a light soothing flavor that gives me a little pick me up in the afternoon or can sooth and relax my nervous system in the evenings. Its good as a hot tea as well as an ice tea and doesn't really need any sweetener!
 Peppermint Tea—helps to improve digestion and relieve irritable bowl syndrome
Peppermint is a nutritious herb that can help indigestion and calm stomach disorders. Peppermint tea can also sooth stomach muscles and intestine and improve the inflammatory bowel disease. The powerful phytonutrient in peppermint can also reduce the growth of cancer cells in liver and pancreas.

Dandelion tea is wonderful for building up and purifying the blood in the body. If you tend to be anemic, this is a good tea for you! It has a wonderful flavor that is enhanced when using a beautiful orange blossom honey. 

Dandelion Tea – Great for detox and improves digestion and liver function
The health benefit of dandelion has been known for centuries and Persians were the first to discover the great medicinal properties of dandelion. For centuries, dandelion has been used to improve liver function, digestion and expel kidney stones. The active phytonutrient in dandelion can also help to promote weight loss and detox the body from accumulation of toxins and free radicals.

Click here to learn more benefits of Dandelion tea.

Click here for a Dandelion tea recipe. 

Passion Flower Tea is one that I have only recently tried. 
Its has a mild flavor and is a wonderful tea for you summer time 
brunch and tea party with your beat girl friends.
 Passion flower Tea—helps insomnia and anxiety
The leaves of the medicinal passionflower plant have active compounds known as flavonoids and alkaloids. Like chamomile, valerian root and lavender, this great medicinal herb can help sleeping problems and combat stress and anxiety. According to a study by University of Maryland Medical Center, passionflower was as effective as the drug oxazepam (Serax) for treating anxiety symptoms. Another 2001 study, published by the “Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics” indicates that passionflower is as effective as the drug “clonidine” for treating the withdrawal symptoms in people such as anxiety and stress.

Fresh Thyme Leaves can be found in most herbal sections of the health food stores. Many years ago I was introduced to Thyme to help relief a chronic cough. This tea is very comforting and soothing to not only the lungs, but also the throat.
 Thyme Tea—helps coughs, bronchitis and brain cells
Thyme is a great herbal remedy rich in minerals, flavonoids and antioxidants. One of the oils in thyme known as “thymol” can help to increase the omega 3 fatty acids essential for growth of brain cells. Also, according to a study by the Biochemical and Biophysical Research, thyme oil can help to protect brain cells against aging and can prevent Alzheimer’s disease.  Thyme tea can also relax coughs and bronchitis and fight against infections.

Hawthorn Tea is also new to me. I am anxious to try this healing tea. 
 Hawthorn tea—promoting vascular health and reducing high blood pressure
Hawthorn tea is well known for its great antioxidant and medicinal properties and can prevent cardiovascular diseases. The antioxidants in hawthorn tea can increase the circulation and prevent plaque built up in the arteries. Hawthorn tea can also improve hypertension, anxiety and stress.  

There are all sorts of fun products and accessories for your personal tea party! 

Here is a fun little product that help to make it easier to brew your individual cup of tea. The Tea Bag Buddy helps to  keep the tea bag contained and less messy after removing from your cup. 

Isn't this the cutest little teabag ever!? Yes...the little butterfly is actually a tea bag!

What herbal tea will you be enjoying this afternoon?

Renee Mysliwiec
a.k.a. Mama Dezee


Tea Time With Renee ~ A Simple Abundance Journey

Hello Friends!

I'm so excited for those of you who are on this Simple Abundance Journey with me.

If you have not joined us yet, you can join our private Face book group here.

In this group, once a week, I will be posting a live video tea party with you, and I will be sharing many concepts that I have learned over several years of studying a book called "Simple Abundance ~ A Day Book of Joy" written by Sarah Ban Breathnach in between our weekly tea parties.

You can order your copy of this book here and read about Sarah and her other books here.

Today, I wanted to share with you something really important.

One important part of your Simple Abundance Journey is to give yourself TIME. Personal TIME, to do whatever you want. This can sometimes be a challenge as a mom with a busy schedule...or even as a single person. We sometimes feel guilty for taking such a "luxury" for ourselves.

I want to tell you that it is NOT a luxury! In is vital for our health and well-being. It's important for both men and women.

For many years, I rarely gave myself this opportunity. But when I began to give myself permission to take one day a week to myself...even if it was only for a few hours; I felt rejuvenated, and refreshed; able to carry on with my life, and duties in a much more patient and relaxed way.

I was even able to heal from an 8 year battle with chronic yeast infections! 

In the book Feelings Buried Alive Never Die by Karol Truman, she explains that all dis-ease is caused by negative energy and emotions that are trapped in the cells of our bodies. If these emotions are not able to be released, then at some point in our lives, they come up as some kind of illness (for us to take a look at, as our body will ALWAYS work on our behalf to alert us when something is out of balance.)

This is actually a really incredible "gift" that our body gives us, to help us see what is happening inside us. But, often, we have not been in touch with our own body...or we have not been taught how to listen to our bodies messages.

It took me some time to understand this, but, when a good friend introduced me to Karol's book, I took a good hard look at it and read from cover to cover, determined to understand what I needed to heal this annoying and very painful condition.

You can get an app for your phone that will show you which emotions are connected to which illnesses; on I-tunes, here.

I HIGHLY recommend this book (as well as her second one Healing Feelings from Your Heart) to all my clients; and would like to recommend this book to you today, in hopes that it might be of great benefit to you in your life as it has been in mine and my families life.  You can get Karol's books on Amazon here and here and you can see her website here.


In the back of the book there is a list of health conditions. Each health condition has a list of possible emotions that may be tied to this condition you are experiencing. One or may may resonate as true for you.

 Under Yeast Infections it says: 

               Emotions tied to Yeast Infections          The Script

Now, for me, I didn't feel that I had an inability to love & support myself or a lack of love or acceptance for myself...but I did recognize that I had some deep resentments I needed to let go of...and I realized that I really had to acknowledge or recognized my own needs. I actually hadn't given myself "permission" to even think of myself, because I had 7 little ones and a hubby that needed me.

The problem was that by not recognizing my own needs and allowing myself to fulfill those needs, I wasn't being good to myself OR being the best wife or mother that I could be body was letting me know in a pretty painful, irritating way...FOR YEARS...until I was finally ready and willing to listen!

In the book, Kathy explains how to use the script, through a process of changing the subconscious beliefs that we have to allow these emotions and the negative energy that they hold, to be released from our body. Using this script through her outlined process allowed me to heal my body of the yeast infections completely after 8 LONG years!

Amazingly, once I decided to take a good look at what I had held onto and was resenting...and release this (Through the help of Jesus Christ and HIS Atonement) ...and the script, which allowed me to consciously "choose" to let it go, and work with my body while asking Jesus for His help in letting go and healing my body; AND I began having some ME didn't take long (just a few months) before I realized that I was no longer experiencing any symptoms of a Yeast infection.  I could hardly believe it!!

That was over 17 years ago, and I haven't EVER had one since! 

Now, I just have to say here, that I had prayed and used every thing that I knew about the atonement to try to heal MANY times (with full faith) before, without success...But, as I read this book, I felt that I had received a vital "key" in helping me understand the body, and the messages and recording system it holds.

 I believe that I was guided to know and understand these things so that I could use these tools to further access the atonement at a greater level, and begin to understand and appreciate my own bodies divine ability to heal itself. 

I feel this knowledge and experience was given to me so that I could not only help  my own family, but others...clients, that I would work with in the future. It has become a VERY valuable tool in my coaching/mentoring and holistic therapy practice.

Through this experience, I began realizing what an amazing "gift" my body really was, and how it communicates with me. I began to feel grateful for what it was telling me each day. This was the beginning of my own healing journey. 

Throughout the years, we have used this book to heal many things in our family; including warts, dowangers hump, fibromyalgia, chronic back pain, and benign lumps in the breast, shingles, as well as other ailments.

At this time, I'd like to invite you to take the 1st step!

To... CHOOSE to care for yourself enough that you find some time each week to spend doing something that YOU love. Just for yourself...and no one else. SERVE yourself, as well as you serve others!

Think about what you love and what activities you like to do. 

For me, I love to get a manicure, or once in a while at the beginning of summer, I like to have a few tanning sessions, just to get my tan started, so I don't bur every time I'm at the lake. 

I love to have alone time with a good book, soft music, a few lit candles, and a hot bubble bath with lavender epsom salts!

But, my favorite time is to go to the Temple and do an initiatory or an endowment session. I LOVE preparing in advance by taking time to read my scriptures, and listen to some church music and then on the drive have my "special time" with my Father in Heaven . We have such great conversations during this time! =) 

Here is an awesome article that will really help you to toss the guilt!

Them, come to our Facebook page and tell us what things you have decided to do for yourself! I'd love to know.