Monday, May 30, 2016

Hero Generation


 By Renee Mysliwiec

Hello there my friends!

I just have to share a wonderful livestream video event that my friend Kirk Duncan put on a few weeks ago for young adults (Primarily for kids 12-18...although he opened it up to 5 years old and up!) called The Hero Generation. (You  may need to log in to see the video. The PASSWORD is: (Hero2016)
This was a powerful , uplifting event that my grandchildren attended and LOVED! If your kids have not seen it yet, sit down as a family and watch it together.
If you've got kids who struggle with self esteem, or negative self talk, if you've got kids who struggle finding good friends, If your kids are just not feeling so good about life, or seem to struggle with anger issues, or who are not getting the grades you'd like to see them get.
If your kids are being bullied in school, or not getting along with their siblings, or are super shy and have trouble speaking their feelings.....whatever they are struggling with right now, or even if they seem to be doing super good and you have no worries for them at all, this presentation CAN make a difference!
This video can give your kids the tools needed to move them past the negative in their lives. It will give them hope and help them to know how special they are; especially at this time of the world. They will feel empowered and ready to implement these tool into their lives!
If you'd like to learn a little bit more about "The Hero Generation" and what this title means according to William Straus and Neil Howe,  I highly recommend  you read their book: The Fourth Turning.
Here is a video of  my grandson,Treydence Kale Mysliwiec teaching about declarations after
listening to Kirk's presentation of the Hero Generation. 

Here is a little video of my grandson saying his declarations in the mirror
after practicing what Kirk taught him!

This sweet boys confidence level is building every day by choosing to follow Kirk's suggestions in his Hero Presentation.  I'd love to here how his presentation is helping YOUR kids!

I'd LOVE to know what you think of both Kirk's presentation and The FourthTurning. Leave me your comments below!  =)

Love and Blessings,
Mama Dezee

Sunday, May 29, 2016

90 Days Book of Mormon Challenge

Trust in the lord


I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I joined this Church On August 23, 1981, when I was just 18 years old. I had been asking questions ...LOTS of questions about spiritual things since I was a very young child. So, for most young of my life, I had been searching for something... answers to my many questions and something that I felt was missing from my life. A TRUTH that I knew must be out there, but I just hadn't been introduced to yet.
I grew up in a wonderful loving family, but I felt that WE were missing something...and I had to know what that somethingwas! One day, two beautiful friends, while on a high school choir trip, shared with me the origins of The Book of Mormon. I remember the feeling that came over my heart and soul that eventful day as if it were yesterday. I felt as if my heart was about to jump out of my chest with excitement. My heart burned in my chest and this feeling of remembering came over me, as if I already knew what they were sharing with me. It was a deep feeling within my soul as if I had known these things they shared with me all of my life...and yet, my ears had never heard these things before!
The frist vision
From that day forth, my study of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and The Book of Mormon began. From the moment I began reading The Book of Mormon, I felt an excitement inside me like no other I had ever felt before. My heart and mind couldn't get enough. Understanding how this beautiful book came to be, intrigued me and made it feel it was even more special. 
Book of Mormon

The Book of Mormon is another witness of Jesus Christ; His divine birth, His life, His ministry, His miracles, His crucifixion, and His resurrection. It is the story of a family who lived in Jerusalem around 600 BC who were told to leave Jerusalem because it was going to be destroyed. The father of this family was a man named Lehi. He was also a prophet. Lehi and his family did as the Lord told them and had many adventures in their travels in the wilderness, and then they were told they needed to build a ship and would be guided to the promised land. Lehi's son Nephi was shown by the Lord how to build the ship and what provisions they would need to gather for their journey.
The Book of Mormon tells the story of their travels across the sea to the promised land (along with the family of Ishmael; whom they convinced to come with them.) and the subsequent events of their family through many generations. The son's of Lehi had obtain the record of their genealogy as well as the sacred records which were records which told the stories of the Old Testament, before they traveled into the wilderness. 
Nephi, Lehi's son, was commanded to keep a record of his people. (Nephi became the next prophet after his father passed away.) So, they continued to keep their records of the Lords dealings with their people for many many generations.
In one of my favorite passages in the Book of 2nd Nephi, chapter 25, verse 26 it reads:  26 And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins.
The people of Nephi saw the signs of the Savoir's birth and His death. Then the amazing event of the Lords resurrection is recorded in the beautiful telling of the Lord Jesus Christ visiting them after His ressurection! I just LOVE this sacred account written in 3rd Nephi Chapter 11christ-blessing-nephite-children-451708-print
I met one of my favorite people in person this past weekend! I have been following her blog for several years. Her name is Becky Edwards and her blog is called Purpose Driven MotherhoodBecky is just as lovely in person as she is in her blog...and even more so! What a sweet beautiful spirit she has. Her blog has given me inspiration and hope and soothed my soul in my dark times and has helped to remind me that the Lord IS mindful of my family too, and that Families really can Be Forever!
We had the privilege of having Becky speak at our event, Preparing with the Spirit on Saturday. It was so much fun to hear her speak about how we can learn to become resilient, which will help us to be more spiritually prepared in the times ahead. She did a wonderful job and she inspired me to DIG deeper into the scriptures, (Scuba diving, rather than snorkeling!) and especially The Book of Mormon.
She is starting a 90 day Book of Mormon Challenge. I'm going to begin this challenge and I wanted to invite YOU to come along on this challenge with me!
Click here to join Becky's 90-day Book of Mormon Challenge Facebook group. 
Click here to see her post last summer that explains the 90-day challenge. 
Click here for scripture feasting tools Becky posted last summer
to help the scriptures come alive!
These are wonderful resources and it will be so much fun to do this challenge together!
I look forward to hearing how your reading is going and what insights and inspiration you receive as you read!
Love and Blessings,
Mama Dezee

Monday, May 2, 2016

Healing From Heartache


As women we are fully conscious of the needs of those we love; often giving ourselves freely and openly, sometimes until we have nothing left for ourselves. During times of heartache, we may forget that WE need personal care.
In 2009, I was facing the most difficult time of my life. My heart hurt so deeply, not just emotionally, but physically ached so acutely, that I thought I’d never heal. The love of my life, my husband of 27 years, had walked out. This man I loved was having a midlife crisis and told me he didn’t know who he was anymore. He decided he had to leave to find out.
This left me reeling. How on earth was I supposed to go on without him?
How would my life ever be ok again? For a while, it wasn’t ok. But in time, in the midst of my deepest heartache, I was finally able to pick myself up and start again.
You may be finding yourself in your darkest days….your deepest heartache. If so my friend, I want to share some tips to assist you on your healing journey.

  1. Time is your friend. In time the pain will lesson, become bearable, and eventually your heart will heal.
  2. Reach out to friends who buoy you up and speak positive words. Share what is going on, how you feel. Ask that they allow you to talk, laugh, scream or cry, and just be there to listen.
  3. WRITE... a lot! Writing or blogging is very therapeutic. Giving yourself permission to write will get the emotions out of your body and enrich the “physical” healing process.
  4. Seek spiritual guidance. Go to your spiritual source. If you do not have a spiritual belief, now may be the time to study this part of your life; find what you believe. 
Your creator knows you better than anyone else in this world. Your creator knows what you were designed to do. What your purpose is on this earth. And what you should do next. Rely on this source for guidance over all others!
Allow for quiet moments, times of stillness, meditation and prayer. Quiet times are the moments we can get answers and guidance to assist us in moving forward. The most powerfully profound experiences have come to me during times of communicating with God. He has guided my life in such a way that has amazed and intrigued me and is continually healing my soul. He has been my greatest strength.
  5.Remember when you were young. What toys did you love to play with? What activities and games made you laugh? Search back in your mind and find a time when you remember being super happy as a child. What were you doing? Visit that place again. Remember how it felt to laugh, to play, to be free. Give yourself permission to play. Playing will help you “find” yourself again.
  6.Take care of yourself first. This means every part of you, from your head to your toes! Get up every morning, no matter how difficult that may seem. Shower, eat a healthy breakfast, and then do something just for you. Something YOU love.
Pamper Yourself! Take hot bubble baths, get your hair colored, go on long walks, drink herbal tea, snuggle under a cozy blanket while watching a movie, or read an inspiring book.
Two favorites: “Remembering Wholeness” By Carol Tuttle, and “Captivating” By John and Stasi Eldridge.

  7. one gets to tell you how long  your grieving process should be! Every heartache is different. Every person heals differently. Allow yourself to grieve as long as you need to...but not so long that you loose site of the beauty life still has to offer you!
 lessons learned in life
Most of all, my friend, Learn to
Show yourself love by giving yourself the gift of TIME. Time for you, time for inspiration and guidance, time for self-care.

One day you will find that it does not hurt so much anymore.
All my Love,
a.k.a.  Mama Dezee