Thursday, June 16, 2016

You Were Born for Glory

Have you felt it my friends? Have you felt the call to Glory?
Does mediocrity bother you?
Is there something inside of you ...deep inside of you that KNOWS that you are meant for more?
Is there something that tells you, that YOU are meant for greatness?
Is there something that tugs at your heart and tells you that you have a message to share with the world?
That the world needs you?
Has it scared you...the magnitude of it all?
Has it been hard for you to believe, even though you feel the call?
Maybe like me, you feel these things so powerfully inside...but like me you have not known exactly how to share your message.
Maybe, like me.... it has taken you a while to figure out exactly what it is that God is writing on your heart that He wants you to share, or teach the world.
Well, if you have felt these things my friends, I want you to know that it's TRUE!
You were sent here with a powerful message, and when it is time, God WILL write upon your heart the message...or messages that HE wants you to share. And YES!! It may scare the bejeepers out of you.
But....PLEASE Don't let that fear shut you down. Because we are at that time of the world,
 when your brothers and sisters NEEDS to hear your message!
Alstroemeria = Aspiring
YOU Have divinity within you!
You are unique and so much more powerful than you can even imagine.
There are things within you....things you know, things you have experienced, which give you ALL the credentials you need, to teach others your message. There will be those who can ONLY learn from YOU!!
No mater what your message is...I know that it IS Important!
IF you are feeling the Call, Then it IS important.
Saturn Alstroemeria
I know for me, for a time, I questioned whether anything I had to say was important enough for anybody to want to listen. I allowed that enemy of us all to destroy my confidence and my self worth to the point of feeling like I didn't even want to be on this earth any more. At one point, my life felt so hard and so lost and so messed up, and I felt so unloved that one day, I decided that I was going to crawl under my covers and BEG God to take me was too hard...and I was too broken; so, I BEGGED  him...
"Please, just take me in my sleep!"
But, in His infinite wisdom and grace He called out to me, "Daughter, I can not bring you home yet....
Your mission is not over. YOU have a work to do.
Will you keep your promise? Will you stay and finish your work?"
Oh how angry I was. I remember that day, 4 years ago,  like it was yesterday.
I stayed in bed, under my warm cozy covers all day, nursing my wounded heart. I stayed there until the sun came up the next morning.
Then, when I realized I was still ALIVE, I pondered Gods words. 
I told Him that if he would help me, and show me the way, and heal my heart and my life,
then I would stay and I would do my best to keep my promises.
I still wasn't ok....I was still wounded and broken and  hurting to the core of my being.
But I knew that God had told me the truth. For I had felt the CALL for a long time. I didn't know how it was going to be ok.
I didn't know how God would ever put my life back together.
I didn't know how my heart would ever mend.
I decided to take a chance on HIM.
I decided to take one small step at a time. I wanted to have faith. I wanted to feel His love. I wanted to believe Him.
I wanted to believe that what was on my heart was worth sharing.
 I wanted to know that my message would be heard. And that it could help someone else who may be going through something similar to what I had experienced. I didn't want anyone to ever feel as alone as I felt.  So, I begged Him to help me. To give me courage and strength to walk that next step. To get out of my bed and leave the comfort of my soft shower and dress and begin a new day.
pink alstroemeria flower close-up focus on stamens. horizontal
I made it through that time my friends.
He did guide me. He strengthened me.
He began to heal me...and has continued to heal me each day since.
He has taught me more than I could ever imagine.
He has taught me that I AM MEANT FOR GLORY.
And that SOMEONE....maybe more than one someone...
He has guided me to the people and experiences that I have needed to bring out my messages more fully.
He has opened the way for me to be "taught" and "mentored" by those who know how to help me learn to express my message...
giving me permission...
He has opened the windows of heaven and poured out BLESSINGS upon me...
He has brought the most unexpected gifts into my life, through the most unexpected people!
I can promise you this.
For, as Sherri Dew has shared in her beautiful talk at BYU  in 2013;
" You were recommended to help run the last leg of the relay that began with Adam and Eve because your pre-mortal spiritual valor indicated that you would have the courage and the determination to face the world at it's worst; to do combat with the evil one during his heyday and in-spite of it all, to be fearless in building HIS kingdom of God. 
You simply MUST believe this-- because...
"When we have the power of God with us, we truly can do all things—including everything we were born to do."
~Sherri Dew

Just like the beautiful Alstroemeria all her different colors,

You are unique....and NO ONE ELSE can share your message exactly like you!
So....if you give up...if you hide...if you stay under your covers
and choose not to let your light shine
through your message,
The world will be missing out on something special!
And those who desperately need YOUR message, will Not get it;
And because of that, they may not be able to fulfill THEIR mission...
They will not be able to heed Their Call...
Because YOUR message may be exactly what THEY need...
and what YOU have promised to share in order to help them move forward and to have courage to share "their" message!
I love you my friends. I truly do.
I am so excited to share my messages with you today.
I know my message will help someone...
just like my mentors messages have helped me!
Go here to listen to my messages. 

I share these with you tonight, 
With ALL the Love of my Heart
Renee Mysliwiec
Mama Dezee

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