Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Tea Time With Renee ~ A Simple Abundance Journey

Hello Friends!

I'm so excited for those of you who are on this Simple Abundance Journey with me.

If you have not joined us yet, you can join our private Face book group here.

In this group, once a week, I will be posting a live video tea party with you, and I will be sharing many concepts that I have learned over several years of studying a book called "Simple Abundance ~ A Day Book of Joy" written by Sarah Ban Breathnach in between our weekly tea parties.

You can order your copy of this book here and read about Sarah and her other books here.

Today, I wanted to share with you something really important.

One important part of your Simple Abundance Journey is to give yourself TIME. Personal TIME, to do whatever you want. This can sometimes be a challenge as a mom with a busy schedule...or even as a single person. We sometimes feel guilty for taking such a "luxury" for ourselves.

I want to tell you that it is NOT a luxury! In is vital for our health and well-being. It's important for both men and women.

For many years, I rarely gave myself this opportunity. But when I began to give myself permission to take one day a week to myself...even if it was only for a few hours; I felt rejuvenated, and refreshed; able to carry on with my life, and duties in a much more patient and relaxed way.

I was even able to heal from an 8 year battle with chronic yeast infections! 

In the book Feelings Buried Alive Never Die by Karol Truman, she explains that all dis-ease is caused by negative energy and emotions that are trapped in the cells of our bodies. If these emotions are not able to be released, then at some point in our lives, they come up as some kind of illness (for us to take a look at, as our body will ALWAYS work on our behalf to alert us when something is out of balance.)

This is actually a really incredible "gift" that our body gives us, to help us see what is happening inside us. But, often, we have not been in touch with our own body...or we have not been taught how to listen to our bodies messages.

It took me some time to understand this, but, when a good friend introduced me to Karol's book, I took a good hard look at it and read from cover to cover, determined to understand what I needed to heal this annoying and very painful condition.

You can get an app for your phone that will show you which emotions are connected to which illnesses; on I-tunes, here.

I HIGHLY recommend this book (as well as her second one Healing Feelings from Your Heart) to all my clients; and would like to recommend this book to you today, in hopes that it might be of great benefit to you in your life as it has been in mine and my families life.  You can get Karol's books on Amazon here and here and you can see her website here.


In the back of the book there is a list of health conditions. Each health condition has a list of possible emotions that may be tied to this condition you are experiencing. One or may may resonate as true for you.

 Under Yeast Infections it says: 

               Emotions tied to Yeast Infections          The Script

Now, for me, I didn't feel that I had an inability to love & support myself or a lack of love or acceptance for myself...but I did recognize that I had some deep resentments I needed to let go of...and I realized that I really had to acknowledge or recognized my own needs. I actually hadn't given myself "permission" to even think of myself, because I had 7 little ones and a hubby that needed me.

The problem was that by not recognizing my own needs and allowing myself to fulfill those needs, I wasn't being good to myself OR being the best wife or mother that I could be body was letting me know in a pretty painful, irritating way...FOR YEARS...until I was finally ready and willing to listen!

In the book, Kathy explains how to use the script, through a process of changing the subconscious beliefs that we have to allow these emotions and the negative energy that they hold, to be released from our body. Using this script through her outlined process allowed me to heal my body of the yeast infections completely after 8 LONG years!

Amazingly, once I decided to take a good look at what I had held onto and was resenting...and release this (Through the help of Jesus Christ and HIS Atonement) ...and the script, which allowed me to consciously "choose" to let it go, and work with my body while asking Jesus for His help in letting go and healing my body; AND I began having some ME didn't take long (just a few months) before I realized that I was no longer experiencing any symptoms of a Yeast infection.  I could hardly believe it!!

That was over 17 years ago, and I haven't EVER had one since! 

Now, I just have to say here, that I had prayed and used every thing that I knew about the atonement to try to heal MANY times (with full faith) before, without success...But, as I read this book, I felt that I had received a vital "key" in helping me understand the body, and the messages and recording system it holds.

 I believe that I was guided to know and understand these things so that I could use these tools to further access the atonement at a greater level, and begin to understand and appreciate my own bodies divine ability to heal itself. 

I feel this knowledge and experience was given to me so that I could not only help  my own family, but others...clients, that I would work with in the future. It has become a VERY valuable tool in my coaching/mentoring and holistic therapy practice.

Through this experience, I began realizing what an amazing "gift" my body really was, and how it communicates with me. I began to feel grateful for what it was telling me each day. This was the beginning of my own healing journey. 

Throughout the years, we have used this book to heal many things in our family; including warts, dowangers hump, fibromyalgia, chronic back pain, and benign lumps in the breast, shingles, as well as other ailments.

At this time, I'd like to invite you to take the 1st step!

To... CHOOSE to care for yourself enough that you find some time each week to spend doing something that YOU love. Just for yourself...and no one else. SERVE yourself, as well as you serve others!

Think about what you love and what activities you like to do. 

For me, I love to get a manicure, or once in a while at the beginning of summer, I like to have a few tanning sessions, just to get my tan started, so I don't bur every time I'm at the lake. 

I love to have alone time with a good book, soft music, a few lit candles, and a hot bubble bath with lavender epsom salts!

But, my favorite time is to go to the Temple and do an initiatory or an endowment session. I LOVE preparing in advance by taking time to read my scriptures, and listen to some church music and then on the drive have my "special time" with my Father in Heaven . We have such great conversations during this time! =) 

Here is an awesome article that will really help you to toss the guilt!

Them, come to our Facebook page and tell us what things you have decided to do for yourself! I'd love to know. 

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